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Women leaders united against violence: A Call to Action


In a display of solidarity, women leaders from Malawi’s seven political parties gathered at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lilongwe for a press briefing to tackle the persisting issue of Violence Against Women in Elections (VAWE).

Representatives from the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), UTM, United Democratic Front (UDF), People’s Party, (PP) Alliance for Democracy (Aford) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) stood together against violence as the nation gears up for the September 16, General Elections.

The event, was facilitated by Oxfam and Women’s Legal Resource Centre (WOLREC) through the Women’s Manifesto Movement, NGO-Gender Coordination Network (NGO-GCN), the African Women Leadership Network and cross-party Directorates of Women.

Speaking at the press briefing, Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Jean Sendeza, who is also MCP Director of Women, encouraged women to hold hands in ending violence that women face particularly during campaigns.

‘‘We, at MCP, are against the act of violence against women in politics. Every woman has the right to belong to a party of her choice and to be respected regardless of the party she represents,’’ she stated.

Sendeza further added that as a Ministry, there are several programs put in place to make sure that women’s rights are protected.

NGO- GCN Chairperson, Maggie Kathewera Banda bemoaned increasing cases of VAWE.

 ‘This act of violence is unacceptable and must be condemned as it discourages aspiring women candidates from taking part

in elections. It is clear that adequate protection is lacking.  We need the community, law enforcement agencies, organizations and all duty bearers to work together to ensure that women participate safely in politics,’’ she said.

Chairperson for the African Women Leadership Network Emma Kaliya called for unity among women political party leaders, urging them to avoid being the source of hatred towards one another.

‘‘I have seen you hugging and embracing each other here in public, I hope that the same spirit of unity and solidarity extends beyond this gathering. Let’s work together to break down the walls of hatred and build a culture of love, respect and support for one another,” she said.

The CSOs made the following call to various duty-bearers:

1. Malawi Government

•        Implement the Political Empowerment of Women strategy which among other things provides for mechanisms for preventing VAWE.

•        Ensure the effective implementation of Malawi Gender Equality Act which outlaws all forms of discrimination against women including that which takes place in politics.

•        Ensure that the Cyber Security Act is implemented to address the growing Technology facilitated GBV. 

2. Political parties

•        Political party leadership should rise to the occasion and condemn all forms of violence against women in elections regardless of which political party is affected.

•        Political parties should put in place mechanisms to protect women from all forms of violence.

•        Political parties should adhere to the commitment made under the Gender

Transformative and Youth Inclusive Project implemented by Oxfam and Wolrec and the Code of Conduct on prevention of violence which they signed under UN Women led Initiative. 

3. Political Party supporters

•        Should recognize the rights of women and desist from inciting or committing any form of violence against any woman regardless of political affiliations.

•        Report any person inciting violence against women in elections to the appropriate authorities.

4. Malawi Police Service

•        We call upon the law enforcement agencies to apprehend and prosecute the culprits of Violence against women in Elections.

•        Share widely with the citizens the plans developed to ensure that the journey towards 16 September 2025 elections is peaceful and free from Violence. 


The call to action comes as Malawi approaches a critical campaign season with increasing concerns about the safety of women. The press conference was organized under the European Union-funded project “Promoting Gender Transformative and Youth- Inclusive Democracy” being implemented by Oxfam and WOLREC.

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